-Chapter 25- 150 years and 11 months before the Collapse The wind howled, blustering through midnight streets with snow and cold in tow. With the scattered scraps of scribbled lyrics and crumpled papers on Graham’s desk, it looked like the storm had blown in through the window. Graham shivered. The only source of light […] -Chapter 24- 152 years and 2 days before the Collapse Blue waylight hit the streets at a slant as Graham stumbled over the cobbles, shaking his fist at a passing streetgoer.  “What are you looking at? Eat rot!” he cursed, stumbling drunkenly into a trashcan. His foot caught, and the ground swiveled up to […] -Chapter 23- 152 years and 2 months before the Collapse Graham slipped his arms into an ill-fitting suit jacket, dimly aware of the radio chatter from the other room as he inspected himself in the closet-door mirror. His whole suit was just a tad too big, and the jacket didn’t have a collar. He […] -Chapter 22- 56 years after the Collapse Hoards of reverants descended upon Leper the moment the order was given. Hands grasped from all sides and faces attested savage pleasure. Somewhere in the roiling sea of chaos, Kia was lost among the waves. She screamed. “Leper!” It’s too late, the voice said. Leper was forced […]

-Chapter 21- 56 years after the Collapse “Get out.” A guard opened the tailgate and released Leper’s bonds. Instinctively, Leper rubbed his wrists. Kia crawled over to him, eyeing the guards with fear as she held tight to her jerboa. The Cathedral towered over them, a monolith that split the clouds. The front door, several […] -Chapter 20- 152 years and 4 months before the Collapse The glass door of the backstreet bar hit a bell as Graham pushed it open. Neon tubes of light trailed along the walls in complex symmetrical patterns, shifting between purples and blues. Graham scanned the tables for a very particular head of hair. He […] -Chapter 19- 152 years and 8 months before the Collapse The angelic voices of the children’s choir filled the cathedral’s sanctuary, their echo exploring the space between tall stone pillars and arches. Kia, now eight years old, stood in the third row, fidgeting nervously with her skirt while she sang. Graham could pick her […]

-Chapter 18- 56 years after the Collapse In the commotion, Aaron burst from his tent. A row of wheelers were approaching in the distant darkness. Leper turned to him. “I’ll run. Before they get here.” “No.”  “What?” “No! Rot!” Aaron cursed, “If they catch you running, they’ll have our heads. Get inside the storage tent […]

-Chapter 17- 56 years after the Collapse While Kia slept soundly in the cave, Leper kept watch over sweeping snow-covered plains. Minutes became hours, and the stagnant scenery remained unchanged, save for the snow that began to swirl softly again from the gloom. He kept expecting to see wheelers rolling over the hills, but they […]

Thunder roared over the battlefield, ignored by the violent masses below. Stone bodies cracked and shattered. Men screamed and died, their cries a discordant melody to an arhythmic clatter of metal and rock. They fought like every moment was their last. The White pawns pushed forward in the screaming wind and rain…

Fantasy, Action, Chess

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