56 years after the Collapse Leper challenged the screaming winds, his metal body ignorant of the ruthless cold. Rigid joints creaked, working to traverse the treacherous frozen ravine as his aging hydraulics pumped with an endless rhythm. Frost formed on the edges of his glass oval faceplate. Snow and ice suffocated the landscape. Leper persisted. […]


Amelia jolted awake. Smoke choked her lungs and she coughed. Her ears rang as she blinked in the darkness of the cockpit, fighting against the pounding strain of her head. Cracked screens sparked and flickered with every colour. Amelia cursed.  Sound returned gradually and she could hear the roar of flames. When she gasped for […]

I Thunder roared over the battlefield, ignored by the violent masses below. Stone bodies cracked and shattered. Men screamed and died, their cries a discordant melody to an arhythmic clatter of metal and rock. They fought like every moment was their last. The White pawns pushed forward in the screaming wind and rain, their boots […]

Peony sprinkled a handful of glittering pollen into an orb of dew, watching with hopeful trepidation as it settled lightly on the blob’s gelatinous crust. In moments the pollen was swallowed. She watched it swirl within, glowing brighter and brighter as the dew broke it down. The mixture was still a fraction from being perfect. […]

The corridor breathed softly, smothered in dust as its dull grey wallpaper peeled and cracked. Blinking didn’t clear my vision. My implant felt cold against the top of my ear and I tried to remember how I had gotten to the hospital. I glanced at the Tattoos on the back of my right hand, a […]

[Prompt] Gene modifications come in two flavors. Mods the rich give themselves to make them healthier and better looking, and mods they give their employees to make them better workers. Generations later, Elves and dwarves are different species, and earth is on the verge of it’s first interspecies war. -Gregamonster Ivaran Giljor was sprawled out […]

[Prompt] Rainy days used to be relaxing days when people stayed home or played in puddles. In the future rain is diverted immediately to water banks via force field tech. One day the field falls in your neighborhood and people experience rain for the first time. Sh4d0w927     It’s hard to believe how different things were […]

[Prompt] you and a group of friends, after wandering too deep into the restricted woods, discover a secret laboratory. once inside, you discover an access way to inter-dimensional travel, and countless alternate realities. – MagicalMax2000 “Are you sure we should be out here?” Neil asked nervously. Casey laughed, her hands stuffed lazily in the pockets […]

Hours ticked by as I lay in bed, my mind reeling with excitement, racing in circles like the cars printed on the fabric of my bedsheets. What had once seemed unattainable, impossible even, was just months away. Perhaps the other kids would be jealous, that I, of all people, would make a journey to the […]

Thunder roared over the battlefield, ignored by the violent masses below. Stone bodies cracked and shattered. Men screamed and died, their cries a discordant melody to an arhythmic clatter of metal and rock. They fought like every moment was their last. The White pawns pushed forward in the screaming wind and rain…

Fantasy, Action, Chess

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