A Cold and Heartless Lullaby -Chapter 8-

-Chapter 8-

163 years and 6 months before the Collapse

The heat of the summer bore down on a gathering crowd as Jaylen towed Graham eagerly towards the stage. Velvet Rope fences outlined the area, containing the chattering throng. One of the tallest and most impressive buildings in the city, The Discovery Council towered over the stage, its intricate brick patterns bordering the sculptures of famous scientists and philosophers. Three of them, which Jaylen probably knew the name of, were larger than life and resided in their own arched enclaves over the main entrance, clearly figures of importance. Banners were strung in the spaces between them, proclaiming the conference event in bold letters. Science conferences at the Council always brought a lot of attention and it felt like half the city had shown up, eager to get a glimpse at the future.

“Who are we here to see again?” Graham asked. He already knew the answer, but he wanted to see her explain it again. Her child-like passion was endearing.

“Andron is the greatest etherologist of our time. His research of souls in the second plane is revolutionary! I can’t believe we’re going to meet him in person! I have read all of his works. He’s like a modern-day Arameus!” In her excitement, Jaylen nearly forgot to breathe. 

Graham chuckled, “Don’t you work with the guy?”

Jaylen shot him a glance. “What? Andron? Of course not! Sure he works in the building, but a lowly intern isn’t going to interact with the head scientist! Don’t be ludicrous!”

She struggled her way to the front of the crowd, dragging Graham behind her, but her effort couldn’t get them past the bickering reporters. Graham fingered his pocket, feeling the cold metal of the betrothal necklace inside. He took a deep breath, nerves spiking up inside of him. It’s okay Graham, you worked hard for this. Of course she’ll say yes. Months of work at a dangerous labor job had barely provided the funds for a necklace that wasn’t even particularly impressive, but it was the best he could do.

 Every minute he had worked thirty stories up on scaffolding had been spent engrossed in wistful dreams about the moment he would ask her, but now as the time finally came Graham was beginning to doubt. For the first time, the thought occurred to him that she might say no. What if it’s too soon?

Enthusiastic jabs on Graham’s shoulder disrupted his thoughts and thunderous applause broke out around them. Andron was walking across the stage. I didn’t realize he was so young, Graham thought, watching the young thirty-something man take his place at the microphone at the front of the stage. His keen eyes and narrow clean-shaven face were an abrupt contrast to the statues of broad, shaggy old men that loomed behind him. Square glasses were clipped to the bridge of his hooked nose and he ran a hand through his long, slicked, black hair.


“We have much to learn about souls,” he began, arresting the audience’s attention effortlessly. His rich, deep voice juxtaposed the slim form that produced it, but his confident stage presence justified it. “They define us. They are all around us, in everything. In you, in me, in the ants, in the clouds… even the lifeless rocks.”

Jaylen leaned over, whispering excitedly in Graham’s ear. “He’s quoting From Dust and Souls!

“Dust and Souls?” Graham asked.

Jaylen shushed him, “From Dust and Souls. It’s his book, Graham.” She turned her attention back to Andron.

“Souls are contained in the second plane, a place once incorrectly believed to be a reflection of our reality. In truth, it is another layer. And although we cannot see it or touch it, its influence on our lives cannot be ignored. Our studies show that souls are tethered to our bodies from the second plane of reality and when we die that tether is severed as our body can no longer serve as an effective vessel. Ladies and gentlemen, while most scientists study the soul or the body, I studied the tether, and it has led to a game-changing discovery.”

Most of it sailed clean over Graham’s head, and it was hard to focus with the betrothal necklace burning a hole in his pocket. He eyed Jaylen. She was enamored. Perhaps this wasn’t the best time, or maybe he was just overthinking it. Graham snapped back to reality, applause breaking out around him as Andron concluded a key statement.

“We once foolishly believed that our brains produced the thoughts inside us; that brains could make decisions. But it was only when we got a closer look at souls when we figured out what was really going on. Our essence, our thoughts, our voice, our very being, is contained in the soul. The brain is simply a physical processor that translates the soul to our vessel, our body. This interface system is the same for every conscious being. This discovery led me to a question. Can a soul connect to any processor or is it limited to a brain? In other terms, can a soul be transferred to an artificial processor? That question led me to a theory, and in fact, I have already tested my theory.” Andron walked over to a small round table, the object on it draped in a white cloth. 

“Under this fabric is a device that represents a shift in the very foundations of soul technology. You have been gathered here today to witness a moment in scientific history.” He whipped away the tarp, revealing a small, multi-jointed, cylindrical metal object in a jar. Wait, is it squirming?

“This,” Andron held up the jar, “is only a metal fabrication; while it uses tiny motors to move, it has no mind… Or does it? Ladies and gentlemen, this metal worm is proof of my theory. There are no wires, no controllers. It moves entirely of its own accord. This metal object has been imbued with the soul of a living, conscious worm.”

The crowd gasped, erupting into applause as Graham stood fixed in place. Did he just say he imbued a machine with a soul, is that even possible?

“That’s right. I have found a way to transfer a soul using the tether. Because our science never thought of the tether as something tangible, but merely a concept, we nearly missed this opportunity.”

Jaylen tugged on Graham’s arm. She didn’t say anything but he knew she was excited. This isn’t the time. Quit it, Graham, you’ve had the necklace for weeks, it’s time to stop stalling.

“And this is only the beginning. Imagine what we could create with this. Soldiers who storm into battle, nearly invincible. Laborers who work dangerous jobs without worry. Servants who don’t have the capacity to question our requests, but the capability to carry them out efficiently. Once we find a way to combine the souls of intelligent animals, we could program a soul for a specific purpose. All we would have to do is identify the correct tethers to transfer.”

Graham could feel the warm metal of the necklace as he clutched it in his sweaty fingers. As soon as this is over Graham, you know what to do.



Jaylen kept repeating herself in excitement as they made their way out of the crowd.

“Did you see that worm?” she asked, not waiting for an answer, “I can’t believe he actually managed to give it a soul! I mean the amount of tethers on an unconscious soul alone is enough to complicate a transfer process, but there have to be thousands on a conscious soul!”

Graham eyed the market stalls that had moved their wares to the Discovery Plaza. 

“Lunch?” he offered.

“Please! I’m starving.”

Despite herself, Jaylen agreed to purchase two large, greasy chet wraps from a small stand at the end of the row, the smell of freshly grilled chet meat winning her over from the street. She took a seat under a nearby ash tree and Graham excused himself to get some drinks, but he had no intention of getting any. This was his chance, she was sitting and facing away from him, completely unaware. He lifted the necklace from his pocket, three gems dangling on its golden chain. Sapphire, Emerald, and Amethyst. Love, growth, and harmony. Seeing it out in the open made him feel exposed; as if every person in the plaza was looking at him. Jaylen would only have had to turn around and she would see it. 

Graham swallowed his fear and worked through the motions, walking up behind Jaylen and laying the necklace over her neck. She flinched slightly at the unexpected touch.

“Love, growth, and harmony become one,” Graham quoted, “Do you accept my favor?”

Jaylen froze. She wasn’t allowed to look back until she had given him a response. Every passing second felt like an hour. He wished he could see her face. Her shoulders shook slightly and he realized she was crying, her hand over her face. Despite the rules, she stood up and faced him, joyful tears in her eyes. She flung herself at him with a hug and wordlessly accepted his favor, nearly knocking him over in the process. 

“You’ve got a mouthful of chet wrap don’t you?” Graham said, his face over her shoulder. 

Jaylen gave a muffled affirmation. Elation bubbled up inside and Graham burst into laughter.

I did it.

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